Dr. Janko Böhm





 Here are some slides and manuscripts of LaTeX/beamer talks, I have given.

Massively Parallel Methods in Computer Algebra
Program Tropical Geometry, Amoebas and Polytopes, Mittag-Leffler Institute, Stockholm, 2018.
Workshop Open Source Computer Algebra Research, MPI Leipzig 2017.
First annual meeting of the SFB-TRR 195, Aachen 2017.


Fundamental and Advanced Algorithms in Singular
Assignment for the Tutorial Session
3C in G Workshop on Computational Algebra, King's College, Cambridge 2017.


Computing GIT-Fans with Symmetry
7th polymake conference and developer meeting, TU Berlin 2016.


Modular Techniques in Computational Algebraic Geometry
ICMS, Berlin 2016.
SPP1489 conference, Osnabrück 2015.
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, Daejeon 2015.
Séminaire de géométrie et algèbre effectives, IRMAR Université de Rennes 1, 2016


Poster: New Developments in Singular
MEGA, Trento 2015.
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, Daejeon 2015


Algebraic Geometry, Gröbner Bases, and Normalization
Mathematics colloquium University of Pretoria, Pretoria 2014.


Tropical Mirror Symmetry for Elliptic Curves
Conference on the occasion of Frank-Olaf Schreyer's 60th birthday, Saarbrücken 2015.
Experimental Methods in Computational Algebra, Hannover 2015.
SPP1489 conference, Bad Boll 2014.


Decomposition of semigroup algebras
SPP1489 conference, Konstanz 2013.


Connecting Singular, GAP, Polymake, and Gfan
MEGA, Frankfurt 2013.


Towards a tropical interpretation of higher genus mirror symmetry
DMV meeting, Saarbrücken 2012.


Tropical mirror symmetry
Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, Bonn 2012.


Tropical Riemann-Roch theorem and Tropical Abel-Jacobi theorem
Series of talks on tropical linear systems, 2012


Ein Einblick in die algebraische Geometrie
Talk given on occasion of receiving the price for the best math lecture at UdS, 2011.


Mirror symmetry and tropical geometry
Talk on tropical mirror symmetry, Algebraic Geometry seminar, Texas A&M, 2009.


Stringy Hodge numbers and Motivic integration
An introduction to Stringy Hodge numbers and the proof of the key theorems by motivic integration.


 Introduction to the Basics of Algebraic Geometry, its Computational Tools and Geometric Applications
This is a series of talks given as an Algebraic geometry and Gröbner bases crash course for students.
 iag3dmaple.mws Some plots and animations for the talks.

Computing intersections, decomposing algebraic sets, the genus of a curve and parametrization of rational curves
Second part of this series.