Symbol Index
- Complex -- The class of all simplicial complexes.
- complex -- Create a complex.
- complexToIdeal -- Compute the Stanley-Reisner ideal.
- CyclicPolytopeRes -- The unprojection structure of the Stanley-Reisner ring of the boundary complex of a cyclic polytope
- cycRes -- Compute the minimal cyclic polytope resolutions via unprojection
- cycResDef -- Compute the minimal resolution of the unprojection deformation of a cyclic polytope
- delta -- Boundary complex of cyclic polytope.
- dimension -- The dimension of a simplicial complex or a face of a simplicial complex.
- Face -- The class of faces of simplicial complexes.
- face -- Generate a face.
- faces -- Returns the faces of a complex
- facets -- The facets of a simplicial complex.
- fvector -- Returns the F-vector of a complex
- idealToComplex -- Compute the Stanley-Reisner complex.
- isExact -- Test whether a chain complex is exact.
- isSubface -- Test whether a face is a subface of another face.
- simplexRing -- The underlying polynomial ring of a simplicial complex, face, fan or cone.
- substituteComplex -- Substitute a complex to a different ring.
- substituteFace -- Substitute a face to a different ring.
- UseBuchsbaumEisenbud -- Option to use Buchsbaum-Eisenbud theorem in codim 3 instead of unprojecting further
- verbose -- Option to print intermediate data
- vertices -- The vertices of a face of a simplicial complex.